Monday, August 12, 2013

Tidbits from Training

At the end of July, I was blessed to spend a few days of training with 8 other girls who are also being sent out on mid-term missions from my church. We were privileged to spend time with our pastors, some of their wives, church staff members, and a missionary who is currently serving overseas. I learned so much during these 3 days and I'm so grateful to the Lord for all that He taught me. I pray that we will all take what we learned and use it to be most effective in doing the work the Lord has called us to do. Please join me in praying for these girls!

Some things I learned/good reminders:
- Lower your expectations
- Think of yourself as a learner and not as much as a teacher.
- Your team is where satan will attack you.
- Be flexible and willing to change. Use unexpected situations to share the gospel with people you wouldn't have otherwise met.
- Expect great things from God and attempt to do great things for God.
- Cling to God's Word and be desperate in prayer.
- Walk in humility and do not be afraid to make mistakes.
- Spiritual Disciplines are an essential component of the missionary's life. These spiritual disciplines include relationships, worship, the Word, prayer/fasting, personal evangelism, Sabbath, reflection, celebration, health. Ask yourself where you are today and what needs to change.
- Journal everyday.
- "We must go out and live among them, manifesting the gentle, loving spirit of our Lord. We need to make friends before we can hope to make converts." Lottie Moon

I pray that as I go into villages in Mexico, that this quote from Lottie Moon would reflect my heart: "As you wend your way from village to village, you feel it is no idle fancy that the Master walks beside you and you hear his voice saying gently, 'Lo! I am with you always even unto the end!' And the soul makes answer in the words of St. Bernard, that holy man of God, 'Lord Jesus, thou are home and friends and fatherland to me.' Is it any wonder that as you draw near to the villages a feeling of exultation comes over you? That your heart goes up to God in glad thanksgiving that he has so trusted you as to commit to your hands this glorious gospel that you may convey its blessings to those who still sit in darkness? When the heart is full of such joy, it is no effort to speak to the people: you could not keep silent if you would. Mere physical hardships sink into merited insignificance. What does one care for comfortless inns, hard beds, hard fare, when all around is a world of joy and glory and beauty."

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