About Me

Hola! My name is Sarah! I'm a follower of Christ seeking to live my life for the glory of the King. I hope to use this blog to share with you some of the things the Lord is teaching me as well as the adventures He takes me on. Here's a little bit about me:

1. I'm a southern girl, born and raised in Alabama.

2. I graduated from Auburn University with a degree in nursing, and I work as a nurse on a post-surgical floor. I love Auburn and nursing. War Eagle!

3. I enjoy doing crafty things. My older sister recently re-taught me how to crochet. We are continuing another generation of crocheting ladies in our family!

4. I love to dance even though I'm not great at it. If you haven't tried Contra dance before you should!

5. I am a little clumsy and have never been good at sports involving good hand-eye coordination. That's probably why I love swimming and running!

6. I enjoy cooking and hope to be as good at it as my mom one day! And maybe I will marry a man that can grill as good as my dad!

7. One of my biggest desires is to become fluent in Spanish. I love hispanics and the Spanish language. I have been to Quito, Ecuador and Pisco, Peru. Both are very special places in my heart.

8. One of my favorite books is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. If you are female and haven't read it, you must pick it up! One of my goals in life is to read it in Spanish....Amor Redentor.

9. The farthest away from home I've been is Italy. I went in March, 2012.  This trip was a gift from the Lord. If you haven't been it's worth it...the best gelato in the world is in a hole in the wall in Rome around the corner from the Vatican. The gelato alone might be worth a second trip..seriously! And when you go, don't forget to take Rick Steve's guide book with you...we did just what he suggested and it was fabulous!

 10. The Lord has given me a heart for missions. I don't know in what capacity it will be in the future, but I'm excited that He is giving me the opportunity to serve mid-term in Oaxaca, Mexico this fall.


  1. Sarah, I wish you the best on your journey to Oaxaca and will look forward to following along!
    Take care,
    Carolyn R
