Saturday, August 24, 2013

Orientation in Lima

Here's a quick recap of our week of training in Lima, Peru. We had some long days of training filled with lessons from current missionaries serving in South America. One of the main things I learned was about Orality/Storying. The idea is that you learn stories of the Bible and teach it to others orally. An example of this would be to tell it to them a couple of times, have them tell it to each other, have them tell it as a group, have them act it out as you tell it, and tell it to them again. The repetition helps them learn the story. Then you open up discussion by asking them what they think of the story. It's a great way to teach the Bible to people groups that aren't literate or don't have the Bible in their own language. It's also good for personal growth and ensuring a solid foundation in Scripture.

Even though training took up most of our time, we did work in some fun! One of the missionary families invited the Oaxaca team into their home for pizza and games one night. We played Sequence! This is one of my favorite games so I was pleasantly surprised to be playing it in Peru! It was so special to be invited into the homes and lives of these families throughout the week.

One day we went to Wong's, the main grocery store, to get food for dinner. It was a fun experience. They had workers dressed up to match the products they were advertising. They had the best free samples!

Saturday night we took an open bus tour of the city. We scarfed down some sandwiches on the street before the tour started. 

The bus stopped at a water fountain park called Parque De La Reserva where we saw some of the biggest water fountains I've ever seen. I would love to come back one day when it's a little warmer and enjoy the fountains you could actually get in.

These are my table mates and friends that I met at our snack break on the Bus Tour. We pulled over at the Sheraton hotel and had cafe/juice with some cake and mini sandwiches. I was able to practice my Spanish with these 2 couples from Argentina and Colombia. They were so patient and gracious with me and it was so fun to practice Spanish with them.

On Sunday we went to church with one of the missionary families and then they took us surfing in the Pacific Ocean. That's right. Surfing! This was my first time to ever see the Pacific Ocean and my first time to try surfing as well. It was beyond awesome! We rented boards and wet suits from a friend of theirs for the equivalent of about $7-8. They showed us the basics of how to surf and then let us loose. It was not easy and the water was freezing, but it was so fun! I will definitely be trying it again!

It was a great week and I'm blessed by all that I learned and through all the people I met. Continue to be praying for my team as well as the other teams who are in Brazil and Peru. May He be glorified through us over these next months.

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