Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Swan House

Several years ago mom gave me a book called The Swan House by Elizabeth Musser. It's a Christian fiction book set in Atlanta, Georgia in the 1960's, and it's about a young girl who learns about the Truth as she deals with the grief of a tragedy. The book captures many historical aspects of the city of Atlanta and highlights a particular house built in 1928 that still stands in Atlanta today...the Swan House. So, when mom and my sister and I were looking for fun things to do on a recent weekend visit to Atlanta visiting the Swan House was a must. We quite enjoyed our visit of the house and other attractions that the Atlantic History Center had to offer, including the Smith Family Farm and the Margaret Mitchell House.

We ate lunch at the Swan Couch House which is the sweetest little cafe located near the Swan House. The food was delicious and we even ended up going back to eat lunch there a 2nd time on our short trip!

This is a view from the back of the house. The house is referred to as the Swan House because of a little swan located in the iron work of the window above the back door.

The font of the Swan House

Micah quite enjoyed visiting the Smith Family Farm which is still in use today. They grow vegetables and have chickens laying eggs daily.

On Sunday we attended church and enjoyed lunch with one of Micah's friends who is from the Atlanta area.

While Micah was enjoying time with her friend, mom and I decided to tour the Margaret Mitchell House. It is actually an apartment located on the first floor of a house and is the location where Margaret Mitchell lived while she was writing Gone With the Wind. 

And what's a better way to end a girl's weekend than with the Melting Pot and a Pedicure? This was a real treat because it was mom's first time for both!

As much fun as we had touring old homes and spending time just the girls, my favorite part was the opportunity the Lord gave us to share our faith with a homeless lady and her son who approached us one evening. It was a divine appointment, humbling experience, and good reminder of the precious gift of grace the Lord has given me. I'm grateful that the Lord gave us this opportunity to proclaim His name and show me areas where I need to grow. It was good to be reminded of the importance of scripture memory and the need to be "prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you" (1 Pet. 3:15).  As I prepare to go to Mexico, I pray that the Lord gives me many more opportunities like this one to share with those I meet that He alone is worthy of our praise and obedience and that we are all sinners condemned to death until we trust in Christ who died in our place on the cross and turn away from our sin. I pray that Ever and her son and all that I meet will see their need for Christ and surrender their lives to Him. I'm grateful to the Lord for giving me the privilege of taking His message to the world, and I pray that He continues to show me His character, draw me near to Him, and transform my heart so that I reflect His image.

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